
Photorejuvenation in Buffalo, NY

Photorejuvenation Treatment

Safely and comfortably fade the appearance of skin imperfections with Photorejuvenation in Buffalo, NY!

Photorejuvenation is a treatment that uses light and heat to treat discolorations on your skin, stimulating fresh skin growth so that your skin tone becomes more even and develops a better, more youthful texture. It’s safe and effective, and in just a few sessions, there will be a noticeable improvement in your overall skin tone.

Are you looking to improve the look of your skin? Schedule a Photorejuvenation consultation at our office today.

elōs® Photorejuvenation

elōs safely and comfortably fades the appearance of skin imperfections caused by the sun, and uneven skin tones caused by brown and red spots, such as rosacea, spider veins, and age spots.

elōs is the first and only technology that uses combined bi-polar radio frequency and light energies to effectively and gently restore and rejuvenate the appearance of your skin.

Photorejuvenation FAQs

What will it feel like?

Most patients report a warm, rubber band snapping sensation. The device has a built-in chiller for patient comfort so no topical anesthesia is needed. Post-treatment feels like a mild sunburn. Cooling gel is applied to the area and this usually resolves in about an hour or less.

What will my skin look like after treatment?

Immediately after treatment, the skin will be pink (similar to a mild sunburn). Freckles/age spots will darken and exfoliate gradually over the next 7-14 days. There may be some initial mild swelling around larger freckles that resolves in a day or two. Occasionally, very mild bruising can occur when treating broken blood vessels. This will resolve on its own. The use of aspirin or blood thinners will also increase the risk.

Can I wash my face?

You can wash your face any time after treatment with tepid water and mild soap (hot water and alcohol based or medicated cleansers will sting). Do not scrub or try to pick or peel areas that are exfoliating! This can cause pigment damage and/or scarring.

Can I wear makeup?

Yes. Makeup, plain moisturizer, and SPF can be applied an hour after treatment. We recommend using a light, mineral makeup that is easily removed. *Avoid acne or anti-aging topicals and cleansers for three days prior to treatment and for 3-7 days following treatment or until the skin is fully healed.

Can I go in the sun?

We recommend avoiding sun exposure to the area to be treated at least one month prior to treatment and throughout the course of treatment. UV radiation on freshly treated skin will cause pigment damage, burns, and possible scarring.

Can I use a self-tanner?

No. Skin that is darker than its natural color from the use of self-tanner or the sun will absorb an excessive amount of laser energy and it will burn.

Are results permanent?

Results are not permanent but can last longer with good skincare. Much of the red and brown discoloration (blood vessels, brown spots) occurs through cumulative DNA damage from the sun. If the skin is re-exposed to the sun after treatment, the discoloration can recur. Therefore, proper protection with a physical/mineral block SPF will keep results lasting longer. Patients with rosacea are often affected by dietary triggers (alcohol, spicy food, etc.) minimizing consumption of known trigger foods will also help results last longer.